Careers in A/I: Training Programs - Canada
- Dalhousie University, Halifax Program
- McGill Unversity, Montreal (Adult) Program
- McGill Unversity, Montreal (Pediatric) Program
- McMaster University, Hamilton Program
- Universite Laval Program
- Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Adult) Program
- Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Pediatric) Program
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Adult) Program
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Pediatric) Program
- University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Adult) Program
- University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Pediatric) Program
- University of Toronto, Toronto (Adult) Program
- University of Toronto, Toronto (Pediatric) Program
- Western University, London Program
Allergy Administrative Office
Division of Allergy, Main Floor
IWK Health Centre, Children’s Site
5850/5980 University Avenue
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
Program Director
Mary McHenry, MD
Program Administrator
Sarah Keddy
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
MUHC-Montreal General Hospital
1650 Cedar Ave. #D6.245
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada
Phone: (514) 934-1934, ext. 45830
Fax: (514) 937-0803
Program Director
Michael Fein, MD
Program Administrator
Alexandra Hauck
Major Goals of Training Program
McGill University's Adult Clinical Immunology and Allergy Program offers two years of training, following the completion of three years of training in internal medicine. Residents complete their core adult Allergy/Immunology rotations at the Montreal General Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital and a 3-month rotation in Pediatric Allergy/Immunology at the Montreal Children's Hospital. The core training in Allergy/Immunology is designed to allow trainees to become proficient in the clinical evaluation of adult patients with known or suspected immunologic diseases as well as in the performance and interpretation of the common diagnostic and laboratory procedures relevant to allergy and clinical immunology. In the first year of training this is achieved as the residents attend clinics, see consults on the wards and carry out research projects under the supervision of staff allergists/immunologists. During clinical teaching, there is ample opportunity to interact with the attending physicians, as well as consultants from other specialties involved in multidisciplinary clinics, and to savour their diverse professional and academic interests.
As competence is gained, our trainees become gradually more autonomous. Their involvement in longitudinal care of patients is also highly encouraged.
Rotations in ENT, dermatology, respirology and laboratory are generally completed during the second training year. Other rotations may be done in transplant medicine, infectious diseases, rheumatology etc. according to the resident's own areas of interest.
The acquired knowledge will ultimately encompass atopic diseases, allergic drug, food and venom reactions, immunologic deficiency states and autoimmune disorders. Trainees will also become familiar with the immunologic aspects of a variety of diseases as Clinical Immunologists are often asked to assist colleagues in other specialties in clarifying allergic and immunological mechanisms of diseases encountered in their practices.
The trainee will become familiar with the problems of the specialty from clinical, pathological and immunopathological aspects as they apply to adults. However, they will also have the opportunity to become proficient in issues regarding pediatric clinical immunology and allergy as well.
There is ample opportunity for residents to be exposed to and become actively involved in allergy and clinical immunology research at any point in their training. During their second year in the program and depending on their involvement in a research project, 1-6 months may be dedicated to completion of the project, while some clinical responsibilities will be maintained.
Throughout training, residents will participate in scholarly activities within the Division including academic teaching sessions. Academic half-day occurs on a weekly basis and includes journal club, teaching of basic immunology and clinical guidelines, Career Planning and Professional Development courses, as well as Research Seminars.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
2 per year (on average)
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
We have a one-year fellowship in immune deficiency.
Electives for Residents and Students
This elective is available to Clerkship students in the Division of Clinical Immunology & Allergy and in each of the major McGill University teaching hospitals. The objective of the rotation is to familiarize the student with the patient with allergic (atopic) disorders, such as asthma, hay fever, urticaria and angioedema; as well as a variety of immunologic disorders, such as vasculitis, collagen-vascular disorders, including Lupus Erythematosis, organ-specific diseases associated with autoantibodies, dysgammaglobulinemias, and a variety of immune deficiency diseases.
Students will become part of a medical team, including staff physicians, residents, nurses and technicians. Teaching is one-on-one and largely out-patient in nature (clinics). In addition, in-patient and emergency room consultations will be covered, as the needs arise. There is also the opportunity to attend out-patient specialty clinics such as the Lupus Clinic and the AIDS Clinic. Students will have the opportunity to learn to perform common technical procedures, such as allergy skin testing and some of the laboratory procedures essential to the practice of the specialty.
Students will be required to participate in the regular teaching/learning activities of the Division, including seminars and journal clubs.
The Montreal Children’s Hospital
1001 Decarie, A4-6121
Montreal Quebec Canada
Phone: (514) 412-4470
Fax: (514) 412-4390
Program Director
Karen G. Sigman, MD
Program Administrator
John Batt
Major Goals of Training Program
We offer a well-balanced program with strength in atopic diseases, asthma, immunodeficiency, as well as autoimmunity at the adult site. There are active programs in both bench and clinical research.
Our goal is to help residents develop their full potential for happy, productive careers in academic, hospital or community practice or a combination, whichever suits them best. We try to train physicians who are excellent clinicians, leaders in their field, with a lifelong commitment to learning.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Not at this time
Electives for Residents and Students
Electives in pediatric respirology, rheumatology & dermatology are strongly encouraged, electives in community allergy, infectious diseases & hematology-oncology also popular. Electives in almost any subspecialty, inside/outside Quebec, can be arranged
Special Requirements
Some knowledge of French is helpful
McMaster University Medical Centre
1200 Main Street West, HSC Room 3V46
Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8N 3Z5
Phone: (905) 521-2100, Ext. 73219
Fax: (905) 521-4971
Program Director
David Fahmy, MD
Michael M. Cyr, MD
Program Coordinator
Jennifer Lourenco
Major Goals of Training Program
This well established program is fully integrated to provide accredited residency training in Adult and Pediatric Immunology/Allergy. Trainees develop their skills (diagnosis, treatment, consultation) through their involvement in a wide variety of clinics for allergic and immunologic disorders, in addition to inpatient consultations. There is also ample opportunity to spend elective time in multi disciplinary clinics such as Dermatology, Rheumatology, Respirology, Hematology, Nephrology, and Gastroenterology (all Adult and Pediatric).
In addition to direct clinical supervision and teaching rounds, the educational experience includes regularly scheduled seminars, immunology courses, and journal clubs. Trainees are strongly encouraged and supported in research endeavors, especially in the second year. They can select from many different basic and clinical research areas, with supervision from any of a large number of mentors of international renown.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
up to 4
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Electives for Residents and Students
See goals, above
Special Requirements
Must be a graduate of an accredited medical school
CHUL du CHU de Québec-Université Laval
Service d’allergie et immunologie
2705, boul Laurier
Bureau H1340
Québec, Qc
G1V 4G2
Phone: (418) 654-2240
Fax: (418) 654-2770
Program Director
Aubert Lavoie, MD
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CAMRS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates:
Electives for Residents and Students
By special arrangements
Special Requirements
Residents must have completed 3 years of internal medicine training first. Residents must be fluent in French.
Hôpital Notre-Dame du CHUM
Service d'immunologie clinique et allergie
1560, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H2L 4M1
Program Director
D' Jean Paradis, MD
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
CHU Sainte-Justine
Service d'immunologie
1er etage, bloc 4
3175, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal, QC H3T 1C5
Program Director
Anne M. Des Roches, MD
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Suite 207
3195 Granville Stret
Vancouver, BC
Phone: (604) 734-4848
Fax: (604) 732-4819
Program Director
Kateryna Vostretsova, MD
Program Assistant
Nikki Nielsen
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2 Years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Not currently
Electives for Residents and Students
By special arrangements
Special Requirements
Residents must have completed 3 years of internal medicine training first
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
BC Children’s Hospital
Allergy Clinic, Room 1C31B
4480 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Program Director
Stephanie C. Erdle, MD
Program Administrator
Daisy Yin
Phone: (604) 875-2345 Ext. 6278
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in adult and pediatric clinical immunology and allergy, qualify for certification in American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Certification as a specialist in this field.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Electives for Residents and Students
Yes. Please contact program administrator for availability.
Special Requirements
Must have completed 3 years of general pediatrics prior to start of fellowship.
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
University of Manitoba
Section of Allergy & Immunology
Department of Internal Medicine
820 Sherbrook Street, Room GC319
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9
Phone: (204) 787-7693
Fax: (204) 787-1476
Program Director
Karver Zabirnaik
Education/Program Coordinator
Lisa Wirth
Phone: (204) 787-7693
Major Goals of Training Program
The training program is based upon a series of rotations through relevant subspecialties that include adult and pediatric allergy and clinical immunology, diagnostic clinical laboratory immunology, transplantation immunology, respirology, occupational and environmental medicine, dermatology, otolaryngology and immunopathology. Rotations are adjusted to the needs of the fellows. Time is allotted for basic and clinical research, Affiliated facilities include basic clinical science laboratories dedicated to the investigations of collagen vascular disease and immediate hypersensitivity disease and access to basic immunology laboratory experience in the investigations of IgE-mediated sensitivity. Research activities include investigation of drug hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, asthma and clinical pharmacology of anti-allergic medications. Emphasis of the program is on a good knowledge of basic immunology and the application of this to the understanding and treatment of allergic and immunologic disease.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Available only in Internal Medicine
Electives for Residents and Students
Yes, Clinical Practice
Special Requirements
Certification or eligibility in Internal Medicine
Children’s Asthma and Allergy Centre (CAAEC)
Winnipeg Children’s Hospital
FE-125 Community Services Building
685 William Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 0Z2
Phone: (204) 787-2455
Fax: (204) 787-5040
Program Email:
Program Website:
Program Director
Tamar Rubin, MD
Program Coordinator
Renee Nadeau
Major Goals of Training Program
The major goal of this program, based in the University of Manitoba , is to provide approved clinical immunology and allergy training for post graduate physicians, chiefly pediatricians. The program is affiliated with the Clinical Immunology and Allergy Training Program in the Department of Internal Medicine and with the Department of Immunology.
Trainees are exposed to a wide variety of pediatric allergy and immunology problems. Our service provides all of the in patient and out patient consultations in Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the Children's Hospital of Winnipeg, the major pediatric referral center in the province of Manitoba. Residents are encouraged to participate in clinical and basic research projects. Trainees are expected to present results of their research projects at national and international meetings.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2-3 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Electives for Residents and Students
Special Requirements
Royal College Certification in paediatrics, or at least 3 years of core training in a Royal College approved paediatrics residency program.
Division of Clinical Immunology & Allergy
Dept. of Internal Medicine
St. Michael's Hospital & University of Toronto
4 CC Specialty Clinics
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond St.
Toronto, ON M5B 1W8
Phone: (416) 864-5074
Fax: (416) 864-5421
Program Director
Dr. Christine Song
Program Coordinator
Brianna Cangiotti
Major Goals of Training Program
The primary objective of the program is to train specialists in Clinical Immunology and Allergy in a capacity to professionally, skillfully, and ethically diagnose and treat patients with Allergic and Immunologic diseases. The program highly encourages further clinical and research training upon completion.
The duration of the program is two years as accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Exceptions may be made for training to be less than two years if the objective is to compliment training in other subspecialties.
The program has mandatory rotations in Rheumatology (2 months), Respirology (2 months), Clinical Immunology Laboratory (3 months), Pediatric Immunology (3 months) and adult allergy (6 months). Elective and research time account for 8 months.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Flexible. Depending on competitive process.
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Electives for Residents and Students
Special Requirements
Completion of 3 years of Internal Medicine Program Accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Phone: (416) 813-8626
Fax: (414) 813-8624
Program Director
Vy Hong-Diep Kim, MD FRCPC
Phone: (416) 813-8627
Program Coordinator
Sandra Mendonca
Phone: (416) 813-8626
Major Goals of Training Program
The goal of our program is to generate world-leading experts in Immunology and Allergy, who will provide their patients and the scientific community with best care and knowledge. Our trainees enjoy extensive periods of inpatient, outpatient and community practice, care for patients with complex primary immunodeficiency diseases, and gain invaluable research and laboratory experiences. Our program emphasizes individual training, with flexibility to accommodate diverse interests and career goals, ensuring that all residents complete their education adequately equipped to excel.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Optional 3rd year in immunology research and/or transplantation depending on availability of funding
Electives for Residents and Students
Yes, depending on space availability
Special Requirements
Must be a graduate of an accredited medical school and have completed 3 years specialty training in Pediatrics.
Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
St. Joseph's Hospital
268 Grosvenor Street, Room B3-110
London Ontario N6A 4V2
Phone: (519) 685-8167
Fax: (519) 685-8274
Program Director
Samira Jeimy, MD PhD FRCPC
Phone: (519) 685-8167
Administrative Assistant
Ashley Dolgos
Major Goals of Training Program
This program is accredited for Adult Clinical Immunology and Allergy with Internal Medicine as a pre-requisite.
- To train physicians with a background in Internal Medicine to become competent in the clinical practice of Clinical Immunology and Allergy. This well-rounded program prepares trainees to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required in order to obtain certification by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.
- We encourage trainees who wish to pursue research and academic careers in Clinical Immunology and Allergy and provide them with research time and additional opportunities to fulfill these goals.
- Trainees will receive supervised clinical experience and opportunities in the Clinical Immunology and Allergy service at all Western University teaching hospitals, and in selected private offices. Training will include exposure to children and adults, both in an ambulatory setting, as well as in-patient consultations.
Trainees Accepted Each Year
Duration of Fellowship
2 years
Application Deadline
Please refer to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) website for fellowship match information in regards to the fellowship timeline, application deadlines and additional important dates.
Joint Residency (Fellowship) Availability
Electives for Residents and Students
Special Requirements
Applicants must have completed three years of training in Internal Medicine (not Pediatrics) under section 2(a) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Applicants must be currently enrolled in an Internal Medicine Program in Canada.