School Tools Overview

The AAAAI’s School Tools library provides resources to keep children with allergic disease safe in school environments. Be sure to check back for the most current resources.
Anaphylaxis Tools
Anaphylaxis Overview
Anafilaxia Resumen
Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan
Anafilaxia - Plan de acción para emergencias
Anaphylaxis Action Plan - Fillable PDF AAAAI does not assume responsibility for how these documents are utilized. Consult with your practice’s IT resources for recommendations on document storage, transmission and HIPAA compliance.
Anafilaxia - Plan de acción para emergencias (Anaphylaxis Action Plan) - Formulario PDF Rellenable La AAAAI no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre cómo se utilizarán estos documentos. Debe consultar los recursos apropiados de tecnología de la información sobre almacenamiento de documentos, transmisión electrónica y cumplimiento de HIPAA.
Anaphylaxis Wallet Card/Tarjeta monedero de Anafilaxis
Back to School Interactive Game - identify the allergy and asthma triggers in the classroom.
What you should know about anaphylaxis
Lo que usted debe saber sobre la anafilaxia
Asthma Tools
For additional asthma school tools see School-based Asthma Management Program – (SA3MPROTM).
Asthma Overview
Asma Resumen
Introduction to Asthma
Asma — Introducción
Asthma Action Plan
Asma - plan de acción
For a downloadable and fillable version please see School-based Asthma Management Program – (SA3MPROTM).
Asthma Action Plan - Fillable PDF AAAAI does not assume responsibility for how these documents are utilized. Consult with your practice’s IT resources for recommendations on document storage, transmission and HIPAA compliance.
Asma - Plan de Acción (Asthma Action Plan) - Formulario PDF Rellenable La AAAAI no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre cómo se utilizarán estos documentos. Debe consultar los recursos apropiados de tecnología de la información sobre almacenamiento de documentos, transmisión electrónica y cumplimiento de HIPAA.
Back to School Interactive Game - identify the allergy and asthma triggers in the classroom.
Food Allergy Tools
Food Allergy Overview
Alergias Aimentarias Resumen
What you should know about food allergy
Lo que usted debe saber sobre las alergias alimentarias
Clinical Report: Management of Food Allergy in the School Setting
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Centers - CDC
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) – “Kids with Food Allergies” is a division of the AAFA. It provides free resources and videos for parents and school staff ensuring safety for the food allergic student while in the academic setting.
Center for Disease Control – Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education. The CDC’s Food Allergies in Schools Toolkit contains tip sheets, training presentations and podcasts to help school staff implement the Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools.
Consortium of Food Allergy - CoFAR was established to conduct multi-center clinical trials, observational studies, mechanistic studies and basic research towards further understanding of the best possible treatment approaches for food allergies.
Food Allergy Research & Education – Provides food allergy information regarding food allergy basics, diagnosis & testing, along with treating & managing reactions. Also offers multiple educational initiatives including free monthly webinars reaching out to parents, children, educators, health care professionals, among others.
Healthy Children - Healthy Children is sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics and provides an overview of food allergies and asthma.
National Association of School Nurses – The Centers for Disease Control has worked with NASN, the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network and the National School Boards Association to develop comprehensive guidance and resources for food allergy and anaphylaxis management in the school setting.
St. Louis Children’s Hospital – Food Allergy Management & Education (FAME) program. Provides schools with the components of a school-based food allergy program based on best practice guidelines.
Library Articles
Back to School with Allergies and Asthma
De vuelta al colegio con las alergias y el asma
Food Allergies 101: Back-to-School Safety
Las Alergias del alimento 101: De atrás a la escuela Seguridad
Off to College with Allergies and Asthma
A la facultad con alergia y asma
Food allergies, asthma and bullying
Tips to manage asthma in schools
Tips to manage food allergies in schools
COVID-19 Materials
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and National Association of School Nurses Guidance on School Attendance, Asthma and COVID-19. This document summarizes the overall recommendations for treating students with asthma at school during the ongoing pandemic.
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and National Association of School Nurses Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis in School during COVID-19