Physician Wellness Toolkit
The AAAAI recognizes that physician wellness and burnout prevention are critical for providing the best care for our patients and allowing physicians to thrive in practice. This wellness toolkit assembled by multiple AAAAI members addresses a variety of topics on wellness and burnout, and provides further resources. It is important to recognize that while geared towards providers, this information can be helpful to all members of the healthcare team. We hope you find the variety of resources and suggestions useful. Please remember that these resources are informational and not a substitute for professional help if needed. For any specific questions that are not addressed, please contact
Visit our COVID-19 Clinician Wellness and Resilience Resources.
Episode 57: Emotional Well-Being During COVID-19
Wellness guru Jessi Gold, MD, MS, provides valuable insight and resources for all of us to consider as we navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this episode is relevant for all, it also discusses how ongoing stress and anxiety can impact healthcare professionals and our patients. (September 24, 2021)
Click here to listen to the podcast.
Podcast Episode: Clinician Wellness, Burnout, and Finding the Right Work-Life Balance
In this episode, Giselle S. Mosnaim, MD, MS, FAAAAI, discusses the factors associated with high rates of burnout for medical professionals. Listen in to learn great information and helpful tips to maintain wellness, which is especially pertinent during COVID-19. (May 19, 2020)
Click here to listen to the podcast.
Read the transcript of the conversation.