Skin Allergy Quiz Share this page: Skin irritations can be very frustrating. Identifying the cause of a skin ailment is essential in order to relieve the symptoms. In this short quiz you will learn about some common triggers for allergic skin conditions. This quiz scratches the surface of skin conditions. An allergist / immunologist has the skills and training to diagnose your particular skin condition and help you find relief. Question 1 A rash can be caused by a skin irritation. True False True: A rash can be caused by several things including an allergy, infection or skin problem like eczema or psoriasis. Question 2 A food allergy can cause a skin rash. True False True: Symptoms of a food allergy can appear very soon after eating the food or up to two hours after, and it usually is not seen until after you have eaten the food before. Question 3 Symptoms of a food allergy may present with more than just a skin rash. True False True: Symptoms of a food allergy can present with skin rash, vomiting, tingling of the mouth, swelling of the tongue and throat and hives. More serious problems might include difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure which can lead to severe reactions called anaphylaxis and can result in death if not treated rapidly. Question 4 I cannot get a skin allergy from foods that I have eaten for a long time. True False False: Food allergy can develop later in life. It may present as skin rash, vomiting, tingling of the mouth, swelling of the tongue and throat and hives, as well as more serious problems. Some of the most common foods allergies found in older allergic persons are peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. Question 5 Some foods cause food allergy more often than others in children. True False True: In children up to 90% of food allergy is caused by: milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy and tree nuts. Question 6 The common rash of people with allergies is called Atopic Dermatitis. True False True: This is the common rash of people with allergies- it is called atopic dermatitis a type of eczema that can be a chronic skin problem that causes dry skin, intense itching and maybe a red, raised rash. Question 7 Can I get a skin allergy to medications that I have had before? Yes No Yes: Medication allergies usually develop after you have had the medication the first time. Some common medications that can cause skin allergy include penicillin, sulfa drugs, barbiturates and anticonvulsants just to mention a few. Some of the symptoms from drug allergies might be hives, skin rash, itchy skin or eyes, congestion and swelling of the mouth and throat. Question 8 I cannot get a rash from jewelry that I have worn for a long time. True False False: This is called contact dermatitis, which is often due to nickel. Question 9 There are several common household substances that can cause skin dermatitis. True False True: This is called Irritant contact dermatitis which is more common than allergic contact dermatitis. This form can account for about 80% of contact dermatitis. Some of these common household substances include: strong soaps, detergents, drain cleaners, acids, acetone and plants. These rashes might resemble a burn with red, chapped and dry skin. This rash might be more painful than itchy. Question 10 Can I get tested for food or medication allergy? Yes No Yes: Your local allergist can do a skin prick test or blood test to find out if you are allergic to several foods and drugs. You answered questions correctly. Learn more about skin allergy symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management. Share this page: