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Allergy-Friendly Gardening

Allergy-Friendly GardeningFor many people with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), getting hands dirty in the garden has consequences. Sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion and other reactions can turn yard work into misery.

With a few simple precautions, allergies don't have to stand between you and your garden.

The best times of day to be outdoors are when the pollen levels are lower. This is typically on rainy, cloudy and windless days.

Pay attention to pollen counts in your area by subscribing to the email alerts available from the National Allergy BureauTM (NAB). The NAB provides the most accurate and reliable pollen and mold levels from counting stations throughout the United States, with additional stations in Canada and South America.

Avoid touching your eyes or face when doing yard work. You may also consider wearing a mask to reduce the amount of pollen spores that you breathe in. Leave gardening tools and clothing (such as gloves and shoes) outside to avoid bringing allergens indoors. Showering immediately after gardening may also help reduce symptoms.

Certain flowers, trees and grasses are better suited for the gardens of people with outdoor allergies.

These include:
•    Cactus
•    Cherry tree
•    Dahlia
•    Daisy
•    Geranium
•    Hibiscus
•    Iris
•    Magnolia
•    Roses
•    Snapdragon
•    Tulip

In general, highly-allergenic trees and grasses include:
•    Ash
•    Cedar
•    Cottonwood
•    Maple
•    Oak
•    Johnson grass
•    Rye grass
•    Timothy

The best way to determine which plants trigger your allergic reactions is through skin testing performed by an allergist / immunologist. An allergist can help you develop strategies to avoid troublesome plants and pollen and can prescribe medication to alleviate symptoms.

Allergy shots (immunotherapy) may offer permanent relief from allergy symptoms. Check with your allergist / immunologist to see if this is an effective treatment for you.

Another form of allergy immunotherapy was recently approved in the United States called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) allergy tablets. Rather than shots, allergy tablets involve administering the allergens under the tongue generally on a daily basis.

Finding Relief in Your Backyard: A Guide to Picking Less Allergenic Plants

The AAAAI's Find an Allergist / Immunologist service is a trusted resource to help you find a specialist close to home.
