International Fellow Status
Fellowship status in the AAAAI recognizes members' professional achievements in the allergy / immunology specialty, and provides a number of benefits available only to Fellows. This membership type is for AAAAI international members of three or more continuous years who demonstrate proficiency in research or practice in the field.
- $356 yearly membership fee
In addition to your existing benefits as a full member, Fellows of the AAAAI also receive:
- Priority registration to the Annual Meeting (Fellows may register before all other delegates)
- Use of the "FAAAAI" designation – a symbol of achievement with your peers and patients
- Even greater discounts on public education materials and a variety of member services
- Listing of your Fellow status in the AAAAI Find an Allergist / Immunologist Directory
- Access to your AAAAI peers in a member’s only LinkedIn community
- Discounted subscription rate to UpToDate
Complete the online application.
A person who resides outside the United States, its possessions or Canada and has been a member for three or more continuous years must demonstrate proficiency in research or practice in the field of allergy / immunology and continuing efforts to advance the field of allergy / immunology. These requirements will be deemed met upon fulfillment of the following criteria:
- Certification by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology or its foreign equivalent, or by a subspecialty board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties;
- Continuing training and experience in the field of allergy / immunology, including regular attendance at the Annual Meeting of the organization or another recognized international, national, regional or state meeting of persons in such field, and ongoing practice, research or teaching in the field of allergy / immunology.
In lieu of board certification, the candidate must have earned a doctoral degree and fulfill at least two of the following criteria. These criteria will be applied in exceptional cases and to those holding a PhD.
- Recent publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal in the field of allergy / immunology, a related field or an allied discipline which evidences original research, sound clinical investigation or advances, and important discussion of the work of others in such field or discipline;
- Evidence of an ongoing commitment to teaching the principles and practice of allergy /
immunology to house staff, medical students or fellows in training;
- Providing ongoing continuing education opportunities in the field of allergy / immunology to other healthcare providers through lectures, rounds, case presentations or the like.
About the Application
- Remember to submit your letter of intent as the cover sheet with your application. This letter should include a personal
- statement regarding your interest in allergy / immunology as well as your current and future plans within the specialty.
- Include a current Curriculum Vitae, copies of board certificates and list of publications (if applicable).
About Sponsorship
An online recommendation from a Fellow of the AAAAI must accompany all applications for membership. Please choose your sponsor and ask that they use the Sponsor an Applicant form to complete an online recommendation for you. To locate a sponsor in your area, use the AAAAI Find an Allergist / Immunologist Directory.
If your sponsors are unable to complete the online form, they can use the AAAAI Recommendation Form.
Please note that AAAAI is not responsible for locating or contacting sponsors to complete recommendations.
About the Membership Process
- Once an application is received and considered complete, it will be sent to the Credentials Committee for review.
- If an application is approved by the Credentials Committee, it is then sent to the Board of Directors with a recommendation for approval.
- Applicants will be notified within a month of the Board meeting as to the status of their application.
- Final approval of all applications is decided on by the voting membership. Only the individuals’ names will be listed in the AAAAI Impact magazine for the membership to review.
- New Fellows are inducted during the annual AAAAI Business Meeting.