In-Training and Post-Doctoral Member
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) represents a dynamic and diverse group of medical professionals focused on advancing the knowledge and practice of allergic disease. For as long as you are a fellow-in-training, your AAAAI membership is free. Post-doctoral membership is limited to a period of three years, which can be renewed once for an additional contiguous three years upon written request and approval. This membership type is for any fellow-in-training or post-doctoral fellow engaged in a training program or research related to the field.
- No fee for membership
- Subscription to The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (JACI) and The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology: In Practice
- FREE registration to the Annual Meeting
- Participation on committees, interest sections and assemblies
- Subscriptions to our monthly and quarterly member-related publications
- Full access to the AAAAI website, including sections for members only
- Listing in the AAAAI Membership Directory
- Access to your AAAAI peers in a member’s only LinkedIn community
- Discounted subscription rate to UpToDate
Continue on to the online application.
In-training member: Any physician accepted or enrolled in an approved U.S. or Canadian allergy / immunology training program or a program in a related medical subspecialty shall be eligible to be elected as an in-training member. This includes those extending their fellowship training for research.
Post-doctoral member: Any Post-Doctoral fellow who has been accepted or is engaged in a training program or in research related to allergy/immunology or a related field or fellowship related to allergy/immunology shall be eligible to be elected as a Post-Doctoral In-Training Member.
If you are currently enrolled in a residency program (pediatrics, internal medicine, etc.), you are eligible to apply beginning as early as 2 month prior to the start date of your allergy/immunology fellowship training. However, you may be eligible for resident or medical school membership.
About the Application
Please note that all post-doctoral fellows, along with their application, must be sure to include a current copy of their CV and a brief letter from their training / research director. This letter must include the start and completion dates of your research program in order to be considered for membership.
About the Membership Process
- If an application is approved, it is then sent to the Board of Directors with a recommendation for approval.
- Applicants will be notified as to the status of their application.
- Final approval of all applications is decided on by the voting membership. Only the individuals’ names will be listed in the AAAAI Impact magazine for the membership to review.
- New members are inducted during the annual AAAAI Business Meeting.