School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act H.R.2285
March 2018
The School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act (H.R. 2285), introduced by Representatives Phil Roe (R-TN) and Steny Hoyer (D-MD), now has 40 co-sponsors. This legislation would encourage the adoption of SAMPRO among states.
August 17, 2017
The School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act, HR 2285, introduced by Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Representative Phil Roe (R-TN) on behalf of the AAAAI, currently has 17 co-sponsors and continues to attract bi-partisan support in the House of Representatives, and we anticipate bi-partisan introduction of the Senate bill soon.
May 2, 2017
AAAAI Champions School Asthma Bill
In an effort to encourage implementation of programs such as the AAAAI School-based Asthma Management Program (SA3MPRO™), the AAAAI has worked closely with Representatives Phil Roe and Steny Hoyer on the development of legislation that incentivizes states to improve school support for students with asthma. On May 2, Roe and Hoyer introduced HR 2285, the School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act.
The bill, which the AAAAI has endorsed, would encourage schools to adopt comprehensive management plans to help students with asthma manage their disease. This type of preparation and management in schools will not only improve children’s health, but will also ensure students are able to focus on learning.
More information on the School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act, including the full text, is available here.
Here’s what Representatives Roe and Hoyer had to say about the bill:
“I’m glad to introduce this important bill with my friend and colleague, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer,” said Congressman Roe. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.6 percent of children between the ages of five and 11 years old, and 10.0 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 17, have asthma. Further, 47.5 percent of children under 18 with asthma have reported having one or more asthma attacks. As these statistics show, asthma, and other reversible lower airway disorders, impact a significant percentage of school-aged children, and these students deserve to pursue their studies without fear that an attack at school won’t be properly treated. The School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act will help parents, students, teachers and school administrators have peace of mind and I look forward to working to get this bill passed.”
“According to the CDC, asthma is a leading chronic illness among children and adolescents in the U.S. and is also one of the leading causes of school absenteeism,” said Whip Hoyer. “By encouraging schools to put action plans in place and train personnel to administer life-saving drugs when necessary, the School-Based Respiratory Health Management Act will benefit parents, students, teachers, and school administrators across the country. I thank my friend, Rep. Roe, for working with me to introduce this bill, and I urge Republican leaders to advance this bill quickly to ensure preparedness and peace of mind so that students are safe at school and can focus on learning.”